Learn About Macaw Parrots

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Blue & Gold Macaws

Also known as the Blue & Yellow Macaw, hand-fed babies make wonderful pets!  They are playful, comical, mischievous, extremely intelligent, and lovable Blue & Golds have the capability of speaking quite well.  However, they do not mimic human voices the way that African Greys and Amazons do in tone and inflection.  They have their own unique voices and aren’t afraid to use them! Macaws for sale 

Given the appropriate nutritional requirements in a nurturing environment, the Blue & Gold Macaw for sale can have a lifespan of 60 to 80 years. Measuring between 32 to 34 inches in length, the Blue & Gold requires the largest cage possible to keep him happy and healthy.  We recommend the Kings Model 506 Cage, which will allow for plenty of room to play and wing-flap to eliminate boredom while being caged.

Your Macaw should be given plenty of daily time outside his cage.  We carry a wide variety of play stands that allow your bird to have hours of fun outside of his cage.

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Catalina Macaws

The Catalina Macaw is a hybrid that is produced by breeding a Scarlet Macaw and a Blue & Gold Macaw.  The offspring will usually inherit the physical build and size of the male bird.  Their coloring depends upon whether the male is a Scarlet or a Blue & Gold.  Our male birds are Scarlets and the females are Blue & Golds, which gives their offspring a similar appearance to the Harlequin Macaw.

The personality of the Catalina is a combination of both the Blue & Gold Macaw and the Scarlet Macaw.  They tend to have the friendly disposition of the Blue & Gold which softens the more high-strung tendencies of the Scarlet Macaw.  Catalinas are very intelligent, playful, eager to learn, and can become good talkers.

As with other larger Macaws, the Catalinas need the largest cage possible, which is why we recommend the Kings Model 506 Cage.  This cage is durable and has a bird-proof latch, which is very important when owning any Macaw.

As with any Macaw, it’s important for Catalina owners to set the proper limits and boundaries as early as possible.  The way in which a Catalina is handled as a baby plays an important role in the development of their social skills and personality.

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Greenwing Macaws

While they are called Greenwing Macaws, their name is often misleading because they are a beautiful blend of red with green and blue colors on their wings.

Greenwing Macaws for sale are sometimes confused with Scarlet Macaws because they are both primarily red, but this is their only similarity.  There are many differences in the appearance and temperament of these two Macaws.  The Greenwing Macaw has a band of green feathers across the center of its wings, whereas the Scarlet Macaw has a yellow band of feathers across the center of its wings.  The Greenwing has red feather lines on its face, whereas the Scarlet has a bare facial patch.

Given the appropriate nutritional requirements in a nurturing environment, the Greenwing Macaw can have a lifespan of 60 to 80 years or more. Measuring between 32 to 36 inches in length, the Greenwing Macaw requires the largest cage possible.  We recommend the Kings Model 506 Cage.  Greenwings generally reach maturity between 4 to 5 years of age.

While Greenwing Macaws are known to be “gentle giants,” they also have a mischievous nature, which frequently leads them into trouble.  It is important for your Greenwing to have large, tough toys to accommodate his chewing habits and to prevent boredom.

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Hahn’s Macaws

The Red-Shouldered Macaws are considered mini-Macaws.   There are 3 subspecies of this Macaw:  the Hahn’s Macaw, the Noble Macaw, and the Long-Winged Macaw.  The Hahn’s Macaw is the smallest of the Red-Shouldered Macaws reaching only about 12 inches in length.  The Noble Macaw is a bit larger at about 13 inches and the Long-Winged Macaw is the largest at about 14 inches in length.  The Hahn’s Macaw has a mostly blackish beak, while the Noble and Long-Winged Macaws have horn-colored beaks.

The mini-Macaws have shorter life-spans than the larger Macaws.  On average, they live 20-25 years, as opposed to the 60-80 year lifespan of the larger Macaws.  The Hahn’s Macaw is generally not loud and is suitable for apartment living.

A hand-raised Hahn’s Macaw is an ideal bird for a beginner.  They have a very friendly and social nature and are easy to handle.  Hahn’s Macaw for sale  make great pets for families of any size.   If you are looking for the personality of a large Macaw in a smaller package, the Hahn’s Macaw just might be the right bird for you.

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Harlequin Macaws

The Harlequin Macaw is a hybrid that is produced by breeding a Greenwing Macaw and a Blue & Gold Macaw.  The offspring will usually inherit the physical build and size of the male bird.  Their coloring depends upon whether the male is a Greenwing or a Blue & Gold.  Our male birds are Greenwings and the females are Blue & Golds, which gives their offspring a larger build and head like the Greenwing and a red-orange chest.

Greenwings and Blue & Golds both possess good temperaments, and the Harlequins inherit the best of both species.  They have the laid back, easy-going nature of the Greenwing combined with the playful, mischievous nature of the Blue & Gold.  As with most Macaws, the Harlequins are highly intelligent, very affectionate, and eager to learn.  Harlequins can also become good talkers.


The Hyacinth Macaw 

The Hyacinth Macaw is the most sought-after parrot by bird lovers and is the most majestic of all parrots. The Hyacinth can grow to a total length of approximately 42 inches and has a beak strong enough to snap the welds on a cage. Despite their tremendous strength and size, these magnificent birds are known as “gentle giants.” They are very affectionate and lovable towards their family and are generally tolerant of strangers.

Hyacinth Macaws for sale  are prized not only for their personality, but also for their remarkable beauty.  They are a vibrant, iridescent violet-blue color. Their long, tapered tails and wing undersides are a sleek black and their eyes are brown with bright yellow rings. They also have a small patch of yellow next to the lower beak and as a stripe on the tongue. Their skin carries a yellowish hue, and their feet are grayish in color.

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Military Macaws

The Military Macaw is mostly green in color with the head being a slightly paler shade. It bears a red frontal patch with a white bare facial area, which blushes when the bird is excited. The naked facial skin is barred with small black feather lines. The flight feathers are a beautiful shade of blue and the red tail is bordered with blue. The large, strong beak is grey-black and the iris is yellow. Even though the Military Macaw does not possess a brilliant mixture of colors as found in many of the larger Macaws, the Military is a very impressive parrot. It is very similar to the Buffons Macaw but is a bit smaller and a brighter shade of green.

Military Macaws are very social birds, who live in large flocks in the wild. Their average lifespan is between 50 to 60 years. Military Macaws are inquisitive and intelligent as are most Macaws.  They are usually good talkers and can also be taught various tricks. Macaw Parrots for sale

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Red-Fronted Macaws

Red-Fronted Macaws range from about 19 to 21 inches in length, the perfect size Macaw for those who are intimidated by the larger Macaws and who want a bigger bird than the mini-Macaws.

The bottom picture is a young Red-Fronted Macaw. Youngsters without their mature coloring are beautiful. However, as they mature, their beauty is unbelievably stunning. The top 2 pictures are mature Red-Fronted Macaws…absolutely striking! They have red crowns, red ear patches, red shoulders and legs, and the underside of their wings is a vibrant orange. Their primary wing feathers and the ends of the longest tail feathers are a beautiful shade of blue.

One of the neatest things about Red-Fronted Macaws is they can hover like hummingbirds!  They can literally stop in mid-air and change direction at the drop of a hat! It is simply amazing to watch a Red-Front in flight!

Red-Fronted Macaws are highly intelligent and many learn to speak in context. They are mischievous, just like the larger Macaws, but in a smaller package. They are not nearly as loud, but are just as sociable and sweet as the larger Macaws. They make excellent pets for both small and large families. Macaw Parrots for sale

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Scarlet Macaws

Scarlet Macaws are stunningly beautiful with their bright yellow bands on each wing, combined with the red coloring on their bodies and upper wings and the royal blue on their lower wings, make a striking contrast.

Scarlet Macaws are sometimes confused with Greenwing Macaws because they are both primarily red, but this is their only similarity. There are many differences in the appearance and temperament of these two Macaws. The Scarlet Macaw has a band of yellow feathers across the center of its wings, whereas the Greenwing Macaw has a green band of feathers across the center of its wings. The Scarlet Macaw has a bare facial patch and the Greenwing Macaw has red feather lines on its face.

The Scarlet Macaw is usually very different in temperament than a Blue & Gold or Greenwing.  The Scarlet has a reputation for being nippy and tends to be more high-strung and sensitive to fast movements than the other large Macaws. This doesn’t necessarily lessen a Scarlet’s qualifications as a pet. However, it does suggest that a potential buyer should be experienced in parrot psychology and handling in order to best manage a Scarlet.  Even as a youngster, if a Scarlet finds that he can control or scare you by nipping, this will very quickly turn into biting.   It is important to never react to a nip or pinch with aggression towards the bird, as it will scare a young Scarlet and eventually lead to an aggressive bird. Macaw Parrots for sale

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Severe Macaws

The Severe Macaw or Chestnut-Fronted Macaw is one of the largest of the mini-Macaws. It reaches a size of around 18 inches of which approximately half is the length of the tail. This is the only mini-Macaw to have feathers on the bare patches on its face, which makes it look like the larger types of Macaws.

The Severe Macaw is mostly green in color with patches of red and blue on the wings. The head has a chestnut brown patch just above the beak, and the crown is blue. Immature Severes have a blackish color feather band on the forehead, as the chestnut color develops with maturity. Immatures also have a duller plumage and a darker iris. The beak is black and the patches around the eyes are white with lines of small black feathers. Mature Severes have orange color irises. Macaw Parrots for sale

Severe Macaws are native to South America from Panama into Brazil.   Their lifespan in captivity is anywhere from 30 to 80 years of age. Severe Macaws are quite prolific if paired properly.  They may have clutches multiple times annually. One clutch usually consists of about five eggs, which hatch in 26 to 28 days.

Severes have a colorful personality and are as much fun as a larger Macaw but in a smaller package. The Severe Macaw is extremely social and loves to mimic speech. Severe’s are highly intelligent and should be provided with lots of wood toys to chew as well as ropes to swing on.  They can become quite destructive if bored. They tend to form strong bonds with their owners and can be affectionate, very playful, active, and talkative. A Severe Macaw requires a large cage.  The rule of thumb with any parrot is: the bigger, the better. We recommend the Kings Model 306 Cage at the very least in terms of size. It is a durable cage with a bird-proof latch.

Severes make great pets for families of any size. If you are looking for the personality of a large Macaw in a smaller package, the Severe Macaw just might be the right bird for you. Macaw Parrots for sale

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Yellow-Collared Macaws

Yellow-Collared Macaws, also known as mini-Macaws, are small in size but large in personality.  If you are looking for the personality of a large Macaw in a smaller package, the Yellow-Collared Macaw just might be the right bird for you. Buy Macaw Online 

Yellow-Collared Macaws are native to central South America from Brazil to Argentina. Their primary color is green. As they mature, they develop a distinct yellow collar across the back of the neck. Their forehead, lower cheeks, and crown are brown. The edge of the primary wing feathers is blue. The tail is blue at the tip and becomes reddish brown towards the base.  The underside of the tail and flight feathers are yellow. They have a white bare facial patch, and their beak is dark grey that turns lighter toward the tip. Their legs are a light pinkish color, and their eyes are orange. Yellow-Collared Macaws range from approximately 15 to 17 inches in length, of which almost half is tail feathers. Macaw Parrots for sale

Yellow-Collared Macaws are extremely intelligent and love to play, so lots of sturdy toys are an absolute must. They tend to be escape artists so it’s important to have a sturdy cage with a bird-proof latch.

If well socialized when young, Yellow-Collared Macaws tend to welcome strangers. They also have the ability to learn a variety of words and phrases. Macaw Parrots for sale

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