Cockatoo Parrots: Explore More About These Birds

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Bare-Eyed Cockatoos

Size: Cockatoo parrots for sale The Bare-Eyed Cockatoo is normally between 14 and 16 inches long from the beak to the tip of the tailfeathers.

Average Lifespan: Bare-Eyed Cockatoos can live for up to 50 years, and beyond in some case.

Temperament: With a reputation for being goofy and clownish, the Bare-Eyed Cockatoo is normally a very social bird that loves to play and interact with its owners.

Intelligent and friendly, Bare-Eyed Cockatoos make excellent pets for experienced bird owners who would like a Cockatoo but don’t have the space to keep a larger Cockatoo species. cockatoo for sale

Colors: Bare-Eyed Cockatoos are primarily white with touches of salmon-pink on their faces. They have horn colored beaks and bare, gray patches around their eyes.

Feeding: Cockatoos are prone to weight gain, so they should be fed a diet low in fat. Offer a Bare-Eyed Cockatoo  a wide variety of a fresh vegetable mix that includes leafy green produce as well as root vegetables. Fresh fruit is  welcome and healthy addition to their diet as well as nuts such as almonds and walnuts. A formulated pelleted diet should also be on hand and available to your cockatoo. Fresh drinking water should be available at all times as well.

Exercise: Bare-Eyed Cockatoos, like all Cockatoos, need plenty of exercise. If you want a Bare-Eyed Cockatoo, you should make sure that you have time to give it a minimum of 3 to hours of supervised play time outside of the cage each day. buy coocktoo online

On top of needing a chance to exercise and stretch their wings, Bare-Eyed Cockatoos are very social birds that need this daily time with their owners in order to successfully thrive.

Providing toys to these birds is very important and teaching them that toys are a fun part of their lives will make a huge difference in her quality of life as well as your own.

Cockatoos need to learn to play independently and toys and activities that they can engage in on their own will reinforce her independence as well as giving you some much needed time. Toys will stimulate and enrich her life as well as introducing her to something that is fun to do on her own. Wooden toys as well as toys made of leather and sturdy hemp twine or plastic rope will give her an outlet for all of that energy. Ladders and swings will also help to engage your cockatoo and give her some exercise.

Bare-Eyed Cockatoos as Pets: The Bare-Eyed Cockatoos may not be the prettiest parrots in the world, but they more than make up for it in personality. Sweet, playful, and intelligent, Bare-Eyed Cockatoos are becoming more and more popular as pets in the homes of bird lovers everywhere. While cockatoos are probably one of the most difficult birds to keep due to their reputation as a “velcro bird,” if you have the time and determination to ensure plenty of attention to these birds, you will have a wonderful companion.

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Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

There are two subspecies of these birds, the Greater and Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoos. The Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are quite large, reaching lengths of up to 20 inches from the beak to the tail, and weighing as much as two pounds. The Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are typically in the range of 13 to 15 inches long.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos have quite a long life span, with some living up to 80 years in captivity, if cared for properly.

Colors of the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo:

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos are primarily white, with black beaks. They sport a beautiful crest of yellow feathers on top of their heads, which is the trait that gives them their names

Feeding and Exercise for Sulphur Crested Cockatoos

In the wild, Sulphur Crested Cockatoos feast on seeds, grain, and insects that they harvest from trees. In captivity, they need a varied diet that includes high-quality pellets and seed, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Experienced owners of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos take great care in preparing their birds’ diets, as cockatoos can quickly suffer from the effects of poor nutrition.

The Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is a highly active and lively bird that requires plenty of exercise to maintain proper health. Owners of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos should allow their pets a minimum of 3 to 4 hours of outside-the-cage playtime every day.

It is also important for owners to provide plenty of space for the bird to climb, stretch and flap its wings. Most Cockatoo owners provide their birds with play stands or special perches for their exercise needs.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoos as Pets

These birds are fine pets for bird lovers that have the time and energy to devote to forming a strong bond with a bird. Because cockatoos are very social, they thrive on the affection and attention that they receive from their owners.

Most cockatoos enjoy being handled and petted, and prefer to spend all of their time with or on their owners. Given their need for near-constant attention, the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is not a bird for just any owner.

Potential owners of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos should realize that unless these birds receive adequate exercise and mental stimulation, they may be driven to behaviors such as feather plucking and destructive chewing. To avoid these behaviors, owners must be diligent about providing their pets with plenty of toys and attention.

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Umbrella Cockatoos

Size: About 24 inches in length from the beak to the tip of the tailfeathers.

Average Lifespan: Umbrella Cockatoos can live up to 80 years or more in captivity, when properly cared for.

Temperament: Umbrella Cockatoos are gentle, docile, and sweet tempered by nature, making them well suited to be companion birds.

They are very rarely aggressive, and quickly form strong bonds with their caretakers.

Colors: Umbrella Cockatoos are primarily white with yellow on the underside of their wing feathers. They have black beaks and gray or black feet. Some exhibit a tinge of light blue in the rings around their eyes.

Feeding: Like all large parrots, Umbrella Cockatoos are big eaters. The best diet for one of these birds should consist of a wide variety of vegetables including leafy greens, root vegetables, high quality grains such as quinoa and other ancient grains, fresh sprouts, fresh fruit and the occasional nut healthy nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pecans or walnuts.  Healthy seed such as hemp, milk thistle or flax seed can also be offered occasionally. This diet should be supplemented with a high quality formulated pelted diet. Fresh water should be available at all times.

Exercise: Umbrella Cockatoos are active birds and like all parrots, they need ample time out of their cage each day for play and exercise.

The strong beak of the Umbrella Cockatoo must be exercised as well, so it is critical that you provide these birds several chewable bird toys and rotate the toys so she has something different to play with now and again. Toys provide exercise, stimulation and enrichment. Keeping toys in stock is a very important part of the responsibility of keeping a bird such as the Umbrella Cockatoo.

Toys are very important for these birds as independent play is an important part of their training. Training can be a big part of their exercise so teaching your cockatoo to play games on the floor with a whiffle ball such as paying catch or teaching her to bring you the ball when you have tossed it are structured play times that give both of you time together while allowing her to stretch her muscles and burn off some energy. Cockatoo parrots for sale

To encourage and increase activity with the enclosure, ladders and swings are a wonderful addition to the environment that will allow your cockatoo to move about and burn off energy in a positive way.

Umbrella Cockatoos as Pets: The vast majority of handfed Umbrella Cockatoos make extremely sweet, charming, intelligent, and well behaved pets. Just as with any bird, however, prospective owners should be sure that they can meet the needs of an Umbrella before rushing out and acquiring one. Cockatoo parrots for sale

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Goffin Cockatoos

Size: The Goffin’s Cockatoo is the smallest Cockatoo species, and is normally between 12 and 13 inches long from the beak to the tip of the tail feathers. Cockatoo parrots for sale

Average Lifespan: 30+ years.

Temperament: Goffin’s Cockatoos have a reputation for being very social and affectionate. They are playful, inquisitive birds that require plenty of interaction and attention from their owners.

Goffin’s Cockatoos are a good choice for bird lovers who have plenty of time to spend with their new pets. They are one of the smaller cockatoo but they are quite fun-loving and gregarious. These active birds require a lot of attention and interaction. Cockatoo parrots for sale

Colors: The Goffin’s Cockatoo is mostly white with touches of light salmon/pink on either side of their beaks.

Feeding: Like all Cockatoos, Goffin’s Cockatoos are prone to weight gain, so owners should monitor their fat intake. A healthy diet for a Goffin’s Cockatoo should consist of high quality pellets, and daily helpings of fresh leafy greens, root vegetables as well as fruit and some nuts. A wide variety of healthy raw food is the way to go when feeding these wonderful birds. Learning to sprout is also a great way of getting much needed live, fresh, raw nutrition into them. The wider the variety of vegetables, grains, greens and nuts you feed them, the better off they will be in regards to their health.